Greetings! I am happy to have you here. Since we are getting to know each other, I thought it would be interesting to share three fun facts. I will go first:
I lived in four states by the time I was ten. My father was in the military. Even though he was only deployed once in my childhood, we did move around a bit. I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, moved to Fort Dix, New Jersey when I was two, moved to western Massachusetts when I was nine, then Philadelphia when I was ten. There was a bit of culture shock moving from the base to a small suburban town. It was an even bigger shock moving to a city. Though I have moved to a few different towns in my adulthood, with the exception of one year in South Jersey, I have spent the majority of my adult life in southeastern Pennsylvania.
I love playing RPGs. For those unfamiliar with the term, RPG stands for role playing games. Shortly after college a friend introduced me to a style of play called Live Action Role Playing games, also known as LARPs. I wasn’t sure what to make of it at first, but then realized it is playing make believe as an adult! It led me to tabletop role playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons and Masks.
I love to write. Nowadays most of my writing is for LARP. But I do enjoy writing poetry, short stories, and now blogs! I fell in love with writing at an early age. In middle school, one of my poems ended up in an anthology. I prefer writing for LARP because I don’t have to write the ending (I am not great at that part). Poetry is short and a great way to paint a picture with my words. Poetry writing has led me into wanting to write song lyrics. Haven’t done much with that yet but hope to explore more of that son.
What about you? I would love to have you share fun facts about yourself.